Guardian Sword++

So you've completed Breath of The Wild, but want more?
If you are DIY Friendly, why not try to replicate your own version of the
Guardian Sword!?!?
These instructions are how to replicate the very weapon.
Glowing included of course.

The required materials are as followed

  1. Arduino TrinketMO or Adafruit 5V Trinket
  2. 2 Meters of Neopixel strip
  3. Lipo Backpack
  4. Lithium Ion Cylindrical Battery 3.7v
  5. Adafruit Slide Switch
  6. Screws
    1. M2-12mm
    2. M2.5-8mm
    3. M2.5-5mm
    4. M2-4mm
  7. 3d printing service
  8. Soldering Iron
  9. Wire Strippers
Order Title Instructions Image Help
1 Circuit Diagram Properly Solder Wiring to the diagram Wiring Diagram
2 Install Library First Install Neopixel
Library. Copy code into editor
Link @ Adafruit Tutorials
3 Print Sword Download the 3d file from the
provided link
3D link
4 Assembly Using the print, and screws, assemble LEDs inside and assemble parts Animated assembly of sword
Extra Further Info For further information, please click the Adafruit flower adafruit flower
Ruis Brothers

The end product is very much worth the time and effort put in

Fancy Zelda Guardian++ Sword